"The Source of the Gravity A-Wave and the fuel used to amplify it."
Click on the image above to see the milling process of the raw element. See Periodic Table
- The most important attribute of this heavier, stable element is that the gravity A wave is so abundant that it actually extends past the perimeter of the atom. These heavier, stable elements literally have their own gravity A field around them, in addition to the gravity B field that is native to all matter.
- No naturally occurring atoms on earth have enough protons and neutrons for the cumulative gravity A wave to extend past the perimeter of the atom so you can access it. Now even though the distance that the gravity A wave extends past the perimeter of the atom is infinitesimal, it is accessible and it has amplitude, wave length, and frequency, just like any other wave in the electromagnetic spectrum. Once you can access the gravity A wave, you can amplify it just like we amplify other electromagnetic waves.
- And in like manner, the gravity A wave is amplified and then focused on the desired destination to cause the space/time distortion required for practical space travel.
- This amplified gravity A wave is so powerful that the only naturally occurring source of gravity that could cause space/time to distort this much would be a black hole.
- We're amplifying a wave that barely extends past the perimeter of an atom until it's large enough to distort vast amounts of space/time.
- We synthesize heavier, unstable elements by using more stable elements as targets in a particle accelerator. We then bombard the target element with various atomic and sub-atomic particles. By doing this, we actually force neutrons into the nucleus of the atom and in some cases merge two dissimilar nuclei together. At this point, transmutation occurs, making the target element a different, heavier element.
- As an example, in the early 80's, the lab for heavy ion research in Darmshtot, Germany synthesized some element 109 by bombarding Bismuth 203 with Iron 59. And to show you how difficult it is to do this, they had to bombard the target element for a week to synthesize 1 atom of element 109. And on that subject, this same lab has projected that in the future they should be able to bombard Curium 248 with with Calcium 48 to yield element 116 which will then decay through a series of nuclides which are unknown to them, but are well known to the scientists at S4.
- The length of time which an element exists before it decays determines its stability. Atoms of some elements decay faster than atoms of other elements, so the faster an element decays, the more unstable that element is considered to be. When an atom decays, it releases or radiates sub-atomic particles and energy, which is the radiation that a Geiger counter detects.
- There are elements with higher atomic numbers which are stable, even though they don't occur naturally on earth and we can't synthesize them in particle accelerators. These are the elements in the 114, 115 range, which don't appear on our periodic chart. Beyond element 115, the elements become unstable again and, in fact, element 116 decays in a fraction of a second.
- The reactor found in the alien craft at S4 is primarily based on a superheavy element with an atomic number of 115. Element 115 will be designated as "Ununpentium" according to IUPAC guidelines and from here on will be referred to by its periodic abbreviation, "Uup". Its periodic designation and electron configuration appear below:
Arranged in standard form, some of the known properties follow:
General Properties
Appearance & Characteristics