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Waves generated through a gravitational field. The prediction that an
accelerating mass will radiate gravitational waves (and lose energy)
comes from the general theory of relativity. Many attempts have been
made to detect waves from space directly using large metal detectors.
The theory suggests that a pulse of gravitational radiation (as from a
supernova explosion or black hole) causes the detector to vibrate, and
the disturbance is detected by a transducer. The interaction is very
weak and extreme care is required to avoid external disturbances and the
effects of thermal noise in the detecting system. So far, no accepted
direct observations have been made. However, indirect evidence of
gravitational waves has come from observations of a pulsar in a binary
system with another star.


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We know that gravity bends or distorts space/time and light by virtue of the fact that we're able to see stars which we know should be blocked from our view by the sun. We've used radio and optical telescopes to map stars and other celestial bodies during the course of our yearly orbit around the sun, so we know where these celestial bodies should be. When the sun is between us and a star, many times we can still see the star as though it were in a different position. We know that gravity distorts time by virtue of the fact that if we take two devices which measure minute variations in time, and we keep one at sea level and take the other to a high altitude, when we recompare them, they reflect different times. The difference in this passage of time is caused by the fact that a gravitational field weakens the further you get from the source, and of course in this instance, the source of the gravitational field is the earth. So the one device which was taken to the high altitude was exposed to a less powerful gravitational field than the device which we kept at sea level.

One device used to make measurements like this is an atomic clock and the most recent atomic clock is supposed to not vary more than 1 second in every 1 million years. And, up until this point in time, great mass such as a star, planet, or moon was the only source of a discernible gravitational field that we were aware of. So, just as the gravitational field around great mass, such as a planet, distorts space and time, any gravitational field, whether naturally occurring or generated, distorts space and time in a similar manner.


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Up until this point in time, the term generate has been used to describe the capability of producing a gravitational field, but since there is no known way of creating a gravitational field from nothing, a more accurate term might be to access and amplify a gravitational field.

To understand how gravity is generated or accessed and amplified, you must first know what gravity is.   Gravity is a wave.  Not a particle that acts like a wave,  but a real wave. As well as the binder of space-time.

The fact that gravity is a wave has caused mainstream scientists to surmise numerous sub-atomic particles which don't actually exist and this has caused great complexity and confusion in the study of particle physics.

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Gravity is a wave and there are two different types of gravity. Gravity A and gravity B. Gravity A works on a small or micro scale and gravity B works on a larger or macro scale. We're familiar with gravity B, it is the big gravity wave that holds the earth, as well as the rest of the planets in orbit around the sun and holds the moon, as well as man-made satellites, in orbit around the earth. We're not familiar with gravity A. It is the small gravity wave which is the major contributory force that holds together the mass that makes up all protons and neutrons.

You must have at least an atom of a substance for it to be considered matter.

You must have at least a proton and an electron and in most cases a neutron to be considered matter.  Anything short of an atom such as the upquarks and downquarks which make up protons and neutrons; or protons, neutrons, or electrons, individually are considered to be mass and do not constitute matter until they form an atom. That’s why it’s said that gravity A holds together the mass or the "stuff" that makes up protons and neutrons. Once an atom is formed, the electromagnetic force is also a substantial factor.

Gravity A is what is currently being labeled as the strong nuclear force in mainstream physics and gravity A is the wave that you need to access and amplify to enable you to cause the space/time distortion required for "practical" interstellar travel

Locating gravity A is found in the nucleus of every atom of all matter here on earth and the universe.

Accessing gravity A with the naturally occurring elements found on earth is a big problem.

Remember that gravity A is the major force that holds together the mass that makes up protons and neutrons and other sub-atomic particles. This means the gravity A that we are trying to access is virtually inaccessible because it is located within matter we have here on earth.

Our solar system has one star, which is our Sun. But the majority of solar systems in our Milky Way galaxy are binary and multiple star systems which have more than one sun.

However, the earth is not representative of all matter within our universe.

The two main factors which determine what residual matter remains after the creation of a solar system are the amount of electromagnetic energy and the amount of mass present during the solar system's creation.

Many single star solar systems have stars that are so large that our Sun would appear to be a dwarf by comparison. Keeping all this in mind, it should be obvious that a large, single star system, binary star system, or multiple star system would have had more of the prerequisite mass and electromagnetic energy present during their creations. This makes it possible for these systems to possess elements which are not native to the earth.

Scientists have long theorized that there are potential combinations of protons and neutrons which should provide stable elements with atomic numbers higher than any which appear on our periodic chart, though none of these superheavy elements occur naturally on earth. A "superheavy" element is any element with an atomic number over 110.

Some elements heavier than uranium do occur on earth in trace amounts, but for the most part, we synthesize these heavier elements in laboratories.

There are other elements that do not occur naturally on earth that a small group of the American government is experimenting with.  It is called element 115 and it has two very unusual properties.

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SOURCE OF GRAVITY A-WAVE TO BE AMPLIFIED  As well as the reaction due to transmutation.