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![]() Notice the peculiar shape to the tip of the machined fuel element. It took a tremendous amount of milling and waste to produce this configuration. The reactor is designed so that this piece is inserted into a tuned tube in the center of the reactor as indicated to the right. (2) A miniature version of a particle accelerator, built into the base of the reactor, fires protons at tremendous energy into the tip of the element. Transmutation occurs, and small amounts of antimatter are radiated, down the tuned tube and towards a target gas. (3) The antimatter and the matter collide, instantly converting to energy. (4) The heat from the reaction is converted in a near 100 percent efficient thermal electric generator. The power from this output is then used to access and amplify the gravity A-wave that exists in the same Element 115. This is what we mean when we say the fuel is dual purposed. |
This cycle begins as soon as the flared end of the waveguide is placed over the top of the reactor, and essentially putting a load on the system. (1).
By the way the transmutation process occurs, some of the element is constantly upgraded from falling down to 114 from 115. The remaining portion of the element follows a normal decay path into lead. As the element is upgraded from 115 to 116, the surrounding element, downgraded to 114 will in turn transmute back up to it's original number of 115 protons.
With this series of actions and reactions occurring, a single milled wedge of the element could last for 20 to 30 years.
The milling process, which you no doubt went through to get here, was conducted by Los Alamos National Lab under the guise that it was a new form of armor.
Lazar had friends at Los Alamos dating back to the time that he worked there. It was speculated that the shavings from this milling process never totally returned to S4.
Following were the "givens" as presented to the scientists at S4.
Gravity is a wave. Not a subatomic particle acting as a wave.
Gravity can be lensed and used to distort space/time for interstellar travel without transversing in a linear mode.
Gravity waves function, propagate and are guided with very similar graphic lensing devices such as used to direct light with glass lensed or microwaves with metallic waveguides.
Gravity propagating outward from a "generated" source, can be directed directly against gravity propagating outward from another source such as a planet or moon. The result is that the craft "generating" beam of gravity essentially floats on top of the gravitational interference of the planet for instance like a boat on water.
Changing the phase of the one wave against the phase of the other wave, similar to "tuning-in" a microwave signal is what constitutes lift. Or attraction for that matter.
0-90° Phase-Shift = Amount of Lift or Repulsion
90-180° Phase-Shift = Amount of Attraction
This meant the craft could use only one gravity amplifier to hover over the ground and the other two to pick things up, make patterns in the terrain or positioned to create "wavefronts" for lateral movements. Note also the following material to be released almost 10 years later. Electrogravitics edited by Thomas Valone Integrity Research institute:, Washington DC, ISBN 0-9641070-0-7, 1 800 295 7674
They also knew that there were two forms of gravity, as told to them by the aliens. Gravity A & B.
No one at that time thought that the Gravity A wave was somehow more accessible due to the use of the Element 115 which at that time was thought to only produce a big, efficient reaction and the heat was converted to electricity which was then used to amplify the gravity A wave. electromagnetic wave.
Finding the Gravity A wave had something to do they thought with the geometric construction of the disc as a waveguide. But the gravity A wave wasn't collected from the environment. This wasn't "anti-gravity."
The Gravity A-wave actually came from the same Element 115. And that when an element becomes superheavy and stable in this range, it actually emits a certain property. The cumulative "strong nuclear force" or Gravity A-Wave is so abundant that it extends beyond the perimeter of the atom. In this state, one could access and amplify this spill-over gravity a-wave since it is no longer "within" matter. SEE ALSO: GRAVITY.
And placing element on the periodic table was Lazar's major contribution. And the key to the understanding to the propulsion system of the Reticulan craft.
The mainstream scientific community, driven by the belief that larger star systems may possess elements with higher atomic numbers than that on earth, endeavored to "transmute" elements with higher atomic numbers. Many of the theoretical calculations revealed that there might be an island of stability in the 144, 115 range. Prior to that, the elements are unstable and the transmutation process would yield an explosion. One more proton added to the stable 115, and it would become an atom of 116 and therefore unstable again, yielding an explosion. In this case, an anti-matter reaction.