The white eliptical object in the upper left corner of the map is where the "disc" would be if it were on the ground. However, the reflections in it's body indicate it seeing the mountian ranges from a higher altitude. If it were on the ground it would be approximately 350' in diameter. Images taken moments later show no sign of a reflective structure on the ground.
Below is a matte painting layout, indicating the path to S4, the hangar door layouts and the entrance to the underground lab known as S4.
The bus with the blacked out windows drove south in the early evening. The sun would usually be setting to Lazar's right side as he rode the 15 mile shuttle to S4. Once approaching S4, the bus would drive the length of the nine hangar doors and make a sharp left turn to park. The scientists were let out of the bus and directed to the entrance. This was simply a steel door in the side of the mountain. Refer to the Corridor Entrance.